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Contributions by RMSCTE Chapter Members

White Papers

Turning On A Dime: The New Landscape Of Adult Learning

Turning On A Dime: The New Landscape Of Adult Learning

This quantitative study considers the perceived effectiveness of virtual training events from the learner perspective. These findings indicate that adult learning theories and practices, if applied properly in the virtual classroom, create a learning experience that is just as effective as the traditional in-person classroom.

Abbie O'Dell

Transient Voltage Surge Suppression

Transient Voltage Surge Suppression

Do your best to control your surges as you learn about what Transient Voltage Surge Suppression is, and what this means for all those expensive electronics in your home. What can you do, and what should you do to protect your investments and provide the best longevity for your electronics.

Ron Hranac

What is a QAM?

What is a QAM?

Quadrature Amplitude Modulation may not be part of your everyday vocabulary, but Rocky Mountain Chapter's Ron Hranac breaks down what QAMs are and how they function in the cable plant.

Ron Hranac

Math of Field Strength

Math of Field Strength

Did you ever wonder where the 0.021 factor was derived when converting between microvolts and microvolts per meter as it relates to signal leakage? Genesis idea appearing in the July 1991 issue of Communications Technology, updated in June of 2008.

Ron Hranac

Impedence Mismatches and Reflections

Impedence Mismatches and Reflections

Exploring the why and how impedance mismatches cause reflections in RF networks. Original article from the December 2005 issue of Communications Technology.

Ron Hranac

Rocky Mountain Chapter of SCTE


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